Debate by Sanjeev Sethi

in polarity
each perspective
an outcome
of optics
a by-product
of its tendentiousness
your correctness
is creation
of your cosmos
every verdict
a version
of its colophon

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Sanjeev Sethi has authored three books of poetry. This Summer and That Summer (Bloomsbury, 2015) is his latest. His work includes well-received volumes, Nine Summers Later and Suddenly For Someone. His poems are in venues around the world including Off the Coast, Hamilton Stone Review, Solstice Literary Magazine, Literary Orphans, The Penwood Review, Squawk Back, Yellow Chair Review, Right Hand Pointing, Red Wolf Journal, The Aerogram, Chronogram, The London Magazine, The Fortnightly Review, Ink Sweat and Tears, Sentinel Literary Quarterly, The Galway Review, Expound Magazine, Otoliths, and elsewhere. He lives in Mumbai, India.

Your Comments
    • Any time I can provide photographer attribution, I do. Some photos are listed as ‘public domain’ without a photographer’s name. If you happen to know the photographer, I would love to add a name to the image.

      I’ll have to write more about ‘Suspend Disbelief’. This refers to those folks who profess to dislike poetry or flash fiction. The suggestion to suspend disbelief is encouragement to dive in and discover something new. Thanks for the good questions!

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